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DVD Replacement

This page is strictly for REPLACEMENTS ONLY. For all other questions and comments, please use the Contact Us page -
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Please fill this field.

***Please NOTE: the question regarding whether the DVD works on your computer is NOT to suggest you watch it through there. It is strictly to inform us of whether the disc is damaged or if it's not compatible with the dvd player it's being played on. Please answer all questions accurately and to the best of your ability so that we can resolve the issue and come up with a solution that is best for you. Please state if you are unable to test it on a computer, because not trying affects and determines if the replacement form is accepted or rejected or whether you get a full or partial refund.

**If your purchase was made through another source, such as iOffer, please write that information in the comment section

***Replacements are can be REJECTED, especially if there's reason to believe there's a pattern of compatibility issues.

**Replacements take lots of time, sometimes multiple weeks or over a month due to testing the reported title in it's entirety and confirming the situation is resolved. This is in order to make sure the same problem does not occur again with your replacement.

**Request for replacements can only be made within 30 day after delivery. If a request for a DVD is made AFTER the 30 days, the request may be rejected. Leniency of a 2 week extention is provided for international buyers and buyers that order over 50 DVD at once. 

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