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Passions (1999)

Disc 1: July 5th - 13th (add $4)
Disc 2: July 14th - 21st (add $4)
Disc 3: July 22nd - 30th (add $4)
Disc 4: Aug 2nd - 10th (add $4)
Disc 5: Aug 11th - 20th (add $4)
Disc 6: Aug 23rd - 31st (add $4)
Disc 7: Sept 1st - 10th (add $4)
Disc 8: Sept 13th - 21st (add $4)
Disc 9: Sept 22nd - 30th (add $4)
Disc 10: Oct 1st - 11th (add $4)
Disc 11: Oct 12th - 20th (add $4)
Disc 12: Oct 21st - 29th (add $4)
Disc 13: Nov 1st - 9th (add $4)
Disc 14: Nov 10th - 17th (add $4)
Disc 15: Nov 18th - 30th (add $4)
Disc 16: Dec 1st - 10th (add $4)
Disc 17: Dec 13th - 21st (add $4)
Disc 18: Dec 22nd - 30th (add $4)

This year has not been fully evaluated. Therefore, we cannot make any guarantees on quality or whether or not they have commercials.

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